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    • 姓名: 陳凌
    • 性別: 男
    • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
    • 學(xué)歷: 博士
    • 電話(huà): 
    • 傳真: 
    • 電子郵件: chen_ling@gibh.ac.cn
    • 通訊地址 廣州市科學(xué)城開(kāi)源大道190號





        1992-1994 美國哈佛大學(xué)醫學(xué)院,Dana-Farber癌癥研究院生物化學(xué)和分子藥學(xué)系,博士后

        1994-1996 美國哈佛大學(xué)醫學(xué)院, 講師(Instructor)

        1997-2001美國默克制藥公司, 默克實(shí)驗室,資深研究員(Senior Research Fellow)

        2001-2003年美國Lexicon Genetics Inc, 生物制藥部主任(Director)

        2003-2008年中國科學(xué)院廣州生物醫藥與健康研究院創(chuàng )始院長(cháng),研究員,博士生導師

        2006-中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)生物醫藥技術(shù)系創(chuàng )始系主任(2006-2008)、教授,博士生導師


        2009-2011 英國葛蘭素史克(GSK)研發(fā)副總裁,中國研發(fā)中心運營(yíng)官

        2012 法國賽諾菲巴斯德公司(Sanofi Pasteur)研發(fā)全球副總裁、中國研發(fā)中心總裁

        2013- 呼吸疾病國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室,常務(wù)副主任,廣州醫科大學(xué) 特聘教授,博士生導師



    •  艾滋病疫苗研究室 

        研發(fā)艾滋病疫苗對于預防HIV的傳播具有重大意義。本實(shí)驗室堅持致力于研發(fā)預防性HIV疫苗與治療性HIV疫苗。參與與主持國家傳染病重大專(zhuān)項、國家自然科學(xué)基金等科研項目。近5年在本領(lǐng)域的國際學(xué)術(shù)雜志,如Journal of Virology, Vaccine,AIDS & Human Retrovirus, PloS One等發(fā)表多篇論文,申請國際/國內專(zhuān)利多項。 

      • 以猴艾滋病疫苗為模型,研發(fā)了克服抗腺病毒抗體的新技術(shù),提升了相關(guān)生物制品的使用效率和范圍Journal of Virology, 2012 
      • 率先研發(fā)了預防黏膜途徑感染猴艾滋病毒(SIV)的新型疫苗,發(fā)現其激發(fā)的效應記憶性CD8+ T細胞免疫與保護效果呈正相關(guān),為相關(guān)HIV疫苗進(jìn)入臨床試驗奠定了基礎Journal of Virology, 2013 
      • 發(fā)現了通過(guò)阻斷PD-1 Tim-3的免疫負調節信號通路可顯著(zhù)提升艾滋病疫苗的CD8+ T細胞免疫應答水平,為HIV疫苗佐劑設計提供了新思路Human Vaccine & Immunother. 2013 
      • 揭示了機體可利用自噬機制對內源性蛋白(包括HIV抗原)進(jìn)行MHCⅡ類(lèi)分子的抗原提呈,從而提升了HIV疫苗CD4+T細胞免疫應答,對新型疫苗研發(fā)有重要啟示意義PloS One, 2014     


        近年來(lái)肆虐的SARS、H1N1、H5N1、H7N9等重大呼吸道病毒感染,嚴重威脅到人類(lèi)生命健康、國家經(jīng)濟發(fā)展和社會(huì )穩定。本實(shí)驗室依托呼吸疾病國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室,先后承擔、參與國家自然基金、衛計委重大專(zhuān)項等科研項目,發(fā)表文章多篇。 

      • 在國際上率先利用流感病毒反向遺傳操作系統,成功構建攜帶luciferaseGFP報告基因的可復制型流感病毒,建立一種簡(jiǎn)單、直觀(guān)、靈敏度高的新型流感病毒研究系統,可活體示蹤流感報告病毒的研發(fā),為優(yōu)化流感藥物篩選平臺,提高流感疫苗評價(jià)系統的效率,提供新的手段。(Nature Communications 2013;J Virology 2010 
      • 抗流感藥物及中藥篩選(Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, 19: 5146 
      • 提高流感疫苗株的產(chǎn)量(Hum Vaccine Immunother. 2012,1:252     


      • 探索如何快速研發(fā)中和抗體。建立并驗證了以免疫獼猴的外周血淋巴細胞為來(lái)源,建立抗體噬菌體庫,篩選針對病原體的高親和力中和抗體的平臺(Plos One, 2013。探索用高通量測序分析抗體庫及其成熟過(guò)程。 
      • 探索干細胞與肺損傷修復及肺再生。 
      • 基因敲除小鼠研究基因新功能。發(fā)現了sPLA2可調控代謝及炎癥及免疫反應(Hepatology, 2011


      社會(huì )任職:

    • 呼吸疾病國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室常務(wù)副主任



      • Pan W, Dong Z, Feng L, Meng W, Li F, Niu X, Li, C, Luo Q, Li Z, Sun C, *Chen L. Visualizing influenza virus infection in living mice. Nature Communications, 2013, 9(4):2369. doi:10.1038/ncomms3369. 
      • Li C, Long Y, Lin Z, Jie Y, Xiao Y, Yang L, Sun J, Ren Y, *Chen L, *Li Z. New strategy for high throughput screening of anti- influenza virus M2 ion channel inhibitors. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, 1928: 5146-5155. 
      • Meng W, Pan W, Zhang AJ, Li Z, Wei G, Feng L, Dong Z, Li C, Hu X, Sun C, Luo Q, Yuen KY, Zhong N, *Chen L.  Rapid generation of human-like neutralizing monoclonal antibodies in urgent preparedness for influenza pandemics and virulent infectious diseases. Plos One, 2013,Jun 18;8(6):e66276. 
      • Sun C, *Chen Z, Tang X, Zhang Y, Feng L, Du Y, Xiao Y, Xiao L, Liu L, Zhu W, *Chen L, *Zhang LQ   Mucosal prime with a replicating vaccinia-based vaccine elicits protective immunity against SIV Challenge in Rhesus Monkeys. J Virology, 2013, Mar 13. doi:10.1128/JVI.03247-12. 
      • Sun C, Feng L, Zhang Y, Xiao L, Pan W, Li C, Zhang L, *Chen L.  Circumventing anti-vector immunity using adenovirus-infected blood cells for repeated application of adenovirus vectored vaccines: proof-of-concept in rhesus macaques. J Virology, 2012, 86:11031-11042. 
      • Pan W, Dong Z, Meng W, Zheng W, Li T, Li C, Zhang B, *Chen L. Improvement ofinfluenzavaccine strain A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (H5N1) growth with the neuraminidase packaging sequence from A/Puerto Rico/8/34. Hum Vaccine Immunother. 2012,1;8(2)252-259.  
      • Zhang Y, Sun C, Feng L, Xiao L, *Chen L. Enhancement of Gag-specific but reduction of Env- and Pol-specific CD8+ T cell responses by SIV nonstructural proteins in mice.  AIDS Research Human Retroviruses. 2011, 28(4):374-83. 
      • Sun C, Zhang Y, Zhang M, Hong Z, Ma X, *Chen L. Epidemiology of adenovirus type 5 neutralizing antibodies in healthy people and AIDS patients in Guangzhou southern China. Vaccine. 2011, 17;29:3837-41. 
      • Sun C, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Zhang M, *Chen L.  Enhancement of immunogenicity of replication-defective adenovirus-based human immunodeficiency virus vaccines in rhesus monkeys. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 2011, 27(6):681-686. 
      • Guan M, Qu LB, Tan W, *Chen L, and *Wong CW.  Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 alpha regulates liver triglyceride metabolism in part through secreted phospholipase A2 GXIIB.  Hepatology, 2011, 53:458-466. 
      • Hu X, Meng W, Dong Z, Pan W, Sun C, *Chen L. Comparative immunogenicity of recombinant adenovirus-vectored vaccines expressing different forms of hemagglutinin (HA) proteins from the H5 serotype of influenza A viruses in mice. Virus Research. 2011, 155:156-162. 
      • Li F, Feng FL, Pan WQ, Dong ZY1, Li CF, Sun CJ, *Chen L.  Generation of replication-competent recombinant influenza A viruses carrying a reporter gene harbored in neuraminidase segment. J Virology, 2010, 84:12075-12081. 
      • Sun C, Zhang L, Zhang M, Liu Y, Zhong M, Ma X, *Chen L.  Induction of balance and breadth in the immune response is beneficial for the control of SIVmac239 replication in rhesus monkeys. J Infection. 2010; 60:371-381. 
      • Zhong M, Ma X, Sun C, *Chen L.  MicroRNAs reduce tumor growth and contribute to enhance cytotoxicity induced by gefitinib in non-small cell lung cancer. Chem Biol Interact. 2010; 184:431-438. 
      • Xu W, Yi L, Feng Y, *Chen L, *Liu J.  Structural insight into the activation mechanism of human pancreatic prophospholipase A2.  J Biol Chem. 2009; 284:16659-16666.