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    • 姓名: 段子淵
    • 性別: 男
    • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
    • 學(xué)歷: 博士
    • 電話(huà): 
    • 傳真: 
    • 電子郵件: duan_ziyuan@gibh.ac.cn
    • 通訊地址 廣州市黃埔區開(kāi)源大道190號


    • 學(xué)習經(jīng)歷














    • 潛伏病毒的感染與激活機理及相關(guān)免疫代謝。


             病毒潛伏感染是引發(fā)腫瘤和對眾多傳染性疾病難以根治的源頭。人體感染這類(lèi)病毒后,病毒即形成免疫逃逸并在體內長(cháng)期潛伏,不能被抗病毒藥物清除。機體免疫低下時(shí)病原體會(huì )再次激活從而引發(fā)相關(guān)疾病和腫瘤,根治的關(guān)鍵在于清除潛伏病毒庫。




      社會(huì )任職:



    • 1.      Wang, X.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, X.; Bao, Q.; Wang, R.; Duan, Z*. The Impact of Host Genotype, Intestinal Sites and Probiotics Supplementation on the Gut Microbiota Composition and Diversity in Sheep. Biology 2021, 10, 769.

      2.      Ai S, Zhang Z, Wang X, Zhang Q, Yin W, Duan Z*. The first survey and molecular identification of Entamoeba spp. in farm animals on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis. 2021,75:101607.

      3.      Qingxun Zhang, Weiwen Yin, Xiaoqi Wang, Zhichao Zhang, Ruiying Zhang, Ziyuan Duan*,Blastocystis infection and subtype distribution in domestic animals in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Area (QTPA) in China: A preliminary study,Parasitology International,2020, 13: 1383-5769.

      4.      Qingxun Zhang, Donghua Luo, Zhengde Xie*, Hongxuan He*, and Ziyuan Duan*,The oncogenic role of miR-BART19-3p in Epstein-Barr virus associated diseases, BioMed Research International,2020, Jul.2,Article ID 5217039, 11 pages.

      5.      Qingxun Zhang, Zhichao Zhang, Sitong Ai, Xiaoqi Wang, Ruiying Zhang, Ziyuan Duan*, Cryptosporidium spp., Enterocytozoon bieneusi, and Giardia duodenalis from animal sources in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Area (QTPA) in China,Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis. 2019 Dec;67:101346. doi: 10.1016/j.cimid. 2019.101346. Epub 2019 Aug 29.

      6.      Chongfeng Xu, Lei Sun, Wenjun Liu and Ziyuan Duan*,Latent membrane protein 1 of Epstein-Barr Virus promotes RIG-I degradation mediated by proteasome pathway, Frontiers in Immunology,2018, 9:1446. doi: 10.3389/fimmu. 2018.01446

      7.      Xu C, Ai J, Zhang Q, Li T, Wu X, Xie Z, Duan Z.*,An Efficient and Simple Method to Establish NK and T Cell Lines from Patients with Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus Infection,J Vis Exp. 2018 30(133),doi: 10.3791/56515.

      8.      Bao Q, Li C, Xu C, Zhang R, Zhao K, Duan Z.*,Porcine enterocyte protein Btnl5 negatively regulates NF-kappa B pathway by interfering p65 nuclear translocation,Gene, 2017,29pii: S0378-1119(17) 31035 -1. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2017.11.070.

      9.      Liu W, Li J, Zheng W, Shang Y, Zhao Z, Wang S, Bi Y, Zhang S, Xu C, Duan Z, Zhang L, Wang YL, Jiang Z, Liu W, Sun L, Cyclophilin A-regulated ubiquitination is critical for RIG-I-mediated antiviral immune responses, Elife,2017, 8;6. pii: e24425. doi: 10.7554/eLife.24425.

      10.   Zhang R, Xu C, Duan Z. *,Novel antigenic shift in HA sequences of H1N1 viruses detected by big data analysis, Infect Genet Evol., 2017,51:138-142. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2017.03.028.

      11.   Liu X, Xu C, Duan Z.*,A Simple Red Blood Cell Lysis Method for the Establishment of B Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines, J Vis Exp., 2017, 14(119). doi: 10.3791/55191.

      12.   Xu C, Duan Z.*,The development of Chinese population genetics by Ruofu Du.,Protein Cell. 2017 Jan;8(1):1-3. doi: 10.1007/s13238-016-0265-6.

      13.   Jinjin Wang, Guo Yang, Ruiyin Zhang, Xiaoqi Wang, Qinqin Ma, Cunfang Zhang,Wei Ding and Ziyuan Duan*, Effects of substituting maize silage with sweet sorghum silage on feed intake, digestibility, growth performance and carcass traits in lambs, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2016,14 (2): 121-125

      14.   Jing Li, Yuhan Rao, Qinglan Sun, Xiaoxu Wu, Jiao Jin, Yuhai Bi, Jin Chen, Fumin Lei, Qiyong Liu, Ziyuan Duan, Juncai Ma, George F. Gao, Di Liu & Wenjun Liu,  Identification of climate factors related to human infection with avian influenza A H7N9 and H5N1 viruses in China, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5,doi:10.1038/srep18094

      15.   Yanhua Qu, Ruiying Zhang, Peng Cui, Gang Song, Ziyuan Duan*and Fumin Lei*, Evolutionary genomics of the pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza viruses (pH1N 1v),Virology Journal, 2011, 8:250-258

      16.   Zhao K, Duan Z, Peng Z, Gan X, Zhang R, He S, Zhao X.,Phylogeography of the endemic Gymnocypris chilianensis (Cyprinidae): sequential westward colonization followed by allopatric evolution in response to cyclical Pleistocene glaciations on the Tibetan Plateau. Mol Phylogenet Evol. 2011 59(2):303-10.

      17.   Xiangqun Li, Xue Han, Shengdian Wang and Ziyuan Duan*,Development and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Mouse TSLP, Hybridoma, 2010, 29( 5) :425-430

      18.   Xiao-Ling Liu, Feng-Lin Zhang, Zhi-Yong Zhou, Hua-Lu Zhao, Guo-Min Shen, Wu-Yun Baohan, Zi-Yuan Duan, Wei Li,Jun-Wu Zhang,  Analysis of two sequence variants in peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma gene in Tajik population at high altitudes and Han population at low altitudes in China, Molecular Biology Reports, 2010,37(1): 179-84

      19.  Xiao-Ling Liu, Hua-Lu Zhao,Guo-Min Shen,Feng-Lin Zhang,Yan Li,Zhi-Yong Zhou, Jian-Hua Cui, Zi-Yuan Duan, Wei Li,Jun-Wu Zhang, Analysis of two sequence variants in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma gene in a Tibetan population at high altitude and a Han population at low altitude in China,Med Sci Monit, 2010,16(10), 458-463

      20.   Duan Ziyuan, Zhao Kai, Peng Zuogang, Li Junbing, Diogo Rui, Zhao Xinquan, He Shunping Comparative phylogeography of the Yellow River schizothoracine fishes (Cyprinidae): vicariance, expansion, and recent coalescence in response to the Quaternary environmental upheaval in the Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2009(53):1025–1031.

      21.   Wenyong Ding , Lin Lin, Feng Ren, Hanfa Zou, Ziyuan Duan* , Jianwu Dai, Effects of splice sites on the intron retention in histamine H3 receptors from rats and mice,J. of Genetics and Genomics, 2009(36): 475-482

      22.   Wenyong Ding, Lin Lin, Zhifeng Xiao, Hanfa Zou, Ziyuan Duan*, Jianwu Dai, Multiple sequence elements determine the intron retention in histamine H3 receptors in rats and mice, The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 2009 (41):2281-2286

      23.   Zhao Kai§, Duan Ziyuan§, Peng Zuogang, Guo Songchang, Li Junbing, He Shunping, Zhao Xinquan, The youngest split in sympatric schizothoracine fish (Cyprinidae) is shaped by ecological adaptations in a Tibetan Plateau glacier lake, Molecular Ecology, 2009,18,3616–3628.

      24.   Baojun Zhang, Ziyuan Duan, Yong Zhao, Mouse models with human immunity and their application in biomedical research, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2009(13):1043-1058.

      25.   Wenyong Ding, Hanfa Zou, Jianwu Dai1 and Ziyuan Duan* , Combining Restriction Digestion and Touchdown PCR Permits Detection of Trace Isoforms of H3. BioTechniques, 2005,39(6): 841-845

      26.   ZHAO Kai,DUAN Ziyuan(Co-first author),YANG Gongshe,PENG Zuogang, LI Junbing,HE Shunping,CHEN Yiyu,Origin of Gymnocypris przewalskii and population history of Gymnocypris eckloni(Teleostei:Cyprinidae). Progress in Natural Science, 2007,17(5):520-528

      27.   Gui-Sheng Wu, Yong-Gang Yao, Kai-Xing Qu,Zhao-Li Ding,Hui Li, Malliya gounder Palanichamy, Zi-Yuan Duan, Nin Li, Yao-Sheng Chen,Ya-Ping Zhang, Population Phylogenomic Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA in Wild boars and Domestic Pigs Revealed Multiple Domestication Events in East Asia, Genome Biology, 2007,8(11): 245.1~12.

      28.   Shan-Yuan Chen,Zi-Yuan Duan (Co-first author),Tao Sha, Jinggong Xiangyu, Shi-Fang Wu,Ya-Ping Zhang, Origin, genetic diversity, and population structure of Chinese domestic sheep,Gene,2006(376):216-223

      29.   Li Ying , Duan Ziyuan (Co-first author),Jia Lu & Zhang Yaping, Episodic evolution of Prolactin gene in primates, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005,50(13): 1348-1351.

      30.   Zhao kai,Li Junbing,Yang Gongshe, Duan ziyuan, He Shunping & Chen Yiyu, Molecular phylogenetics of Gymnocypris (Teleostei:Cyprinidae) in Lake Qinghai and adjacent drainages, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005 50(13)1325-1333.

      31.   Jingyu Zhang,Xia Wang,Bing Chen,Guangli Suo,Yanhong Zhao, Ziyuan Duan, Jianwu Dai, Expression of Nanog gene promotes NIH3T3 cell proliferation, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2005(338):1098-1102

      32.   Hui Peng,Yunlong Huang,Zhiyuan Duan, Nathan Erdmann,Dongsheng Xu, Shelley Herek and Jialin Zheng, Cellular IAP1 Regulates TRAIL-Induced Apoptosis in Human Fetal Cortical Neural Progenitor Cells, Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2005,82:295-305.

      33.   Guangli Suo, Bing Chen,Jingyu Zhang, Ziyuan Duan, Zhengquan He,Wei Yao, Chaoyin Yue,Jianwu Dai, Effects of codon modification on human BMP2 gene expression in tobacco plants, Plant Cell Rep, 2006,25:689-697.